Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Dishwasher of Forgiveness

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I have to tell you a story that touched my heart this morning as it reminded me of the forgiveness and grace we have received.

This morning, G & V were in G's room doing something when I called them back to the kitchen to unload the dishwasher. G somehow "nudged" V from behind, which sent her stumbling into the piano bench, where she stubbed her toe. Once she stopped crying, I told G to go to his room and instructed V to go ahead and start doing her part of the dishes. Her job is to put away the silverware and the utensils.

I went in to G's room to speak to him about his actions. After I finished, I told him to go put up his part of the dishes and then he needed to come back to his room and clean up in there. 

Then, I went in to the kitchen to refill my coffee mug. When I got in there, I found that V had already put away G's dishes for him. This was only the second time she had ever put up all the dishes, but I think she picked the perfect time. I actually blogged the first time, too.

I don't know what she was thinking this time, but I know what I thought: 

This is forgiveness.

This is grace.

Romans 12:17-21 says: Never pay back evil for evil to anyone...but overcome evil with good.

(you can look up the middle verses yourself.)

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