Big brother looking handsome. I'm sure he was very supportive of the birthday, even though it wasn't his.

Garrett already taking over Vivian's birthday present. It was just a matter of time.

Opening presents. Our favorite baby-sitter, Kylie, looks on.

Kylie gave Vivian a bag of hair accessories (clips, headbands, scrunchies...)

Our peeps (L to R: Kylie, Butch, Lee, Ann, Alice, Kathy)

Dawson was unimpressed with the birthday festivities. He was way into coloring his Veggie Tales sheet. He's a great colorer. He stayed inside the lines and everything.

Vivian was scared of the candles so Melissa and Garrett had to blow them out for her. In this picture she is saying, "Hot!" and blowing at the candles from a safe distance.


If Vivian could speak intelligibly, "I can't believe I ate the whole thing."
I needed that! The kids are adorable (the adults (especially one of them) don't look too bad either!). Love you guys!