Looking in the sliding glass door that was shattered into a trillion pieces (the number gets bigger each time I tell anyone about it. I started by saying gazillion, but realized that was just silly.)
Here's some of the wood plank paneling that was torn off and splintered, exposing the frame and insulation.

This branch may be the murder weapon (used to murder the sliding glass door).

More mess...note the box of lightbulbs. Apparently, the broke all of the spare bulbs.

See the orange gunk on the right? That's organic paint stripper.

No!!! Not the microwave!!! What did it ever do to you?

Ooooh! Creepy! That's lipstick BTW.

It's hard to see, but that window is broken out.

They broke the glass on this picture frame and damaged the mat.

Here's what's left of Melissa's Dad's Bible. We're going to get it re-bound so we can read it to the little delinquents as they clean up the mess they made...assuming they're caught.
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